- 规格参数改为公制X轴行程39.37"Y轴行程47.244"Z轴行程39.37"主轴转速4,000 RPM刀库容量80托盘宽31.496"托盘长31.496"主轴锥度50控制系统数控系统 (FANUC)
- 关于公司
the forest-linÉ group was initiated in 1982, after the merger of forest in capdenac (southern france) and linÉ in albert (northern france). then in 2002, by creating the company linÉ-machines to take over henri liné machine outil, the new managers emphasize their will to carry on the development of forest-linÉ group. through the last ten years, they reached a main position among the world market of large dimensional, high precision and heavy duty powerful machine-tools.