• Especificaciones
    Potencia en Watts
    40 w
  • Descripción del producto

    Thanks to its high level of precision, laser welding equipment is already being used on a regular basis in today´s in the aerospace and auto­motive industry as well as for tool and mold making. How­ever, its ability to handle ex­tremely small details also makes it the ideal tool for Dental Technicians, Gold­smiths and Jewelers. OR Laser has deve­loped a part­icularly compact piece of laser equipment especially for this target group: the Piccol aser. Final­ly there is a piece of equipment that combines the toughest quality re­quirements with extreme cost ef­ficiency. The Piccol aser is con­structed very compact:The four integrated motor­ized axes allow a repeat accuracy of 0.1 mm. An ac­curate control system handles movement in the x, y and z axes as well as the rot­ational axis. Thanks to its modular design, the system can be matched exactly to the part­icular technical requirements preferred.

    Folleto del Modelo (1.52 MB)

  • Sobre la Compañía
    O.R. Lasertechnologie GmbH

    German manufacturer of laser systems for tool and mold construction.

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