• Especificaciones
    Potencia en Watts
    120 w
  • Descripción del producto

    The HTS Mobile combines flexi­bility and stability in serv­icing and re­pairing small pre­cision com­ponents for the aero­space industry as well as large die­casting molds that are, for example, required for the manu­facturing of auto­mobile bumpers. The mobile laser system can easily be moved and fixed in a stable position by means of the brakes. The move­ment of the axes permits a very long traverse range, which is accomplished via the joystick. Optionally the sys­tem can be sup­plied with either an analogue joy­stick or digital joystick both equipped with Teach-in control. The welding position can be de­termined at a precision of 0.1 mm. The ideal solution for big or recessed workpieces

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  • Sobre la Compañía
    O.R. Lasertechnologie GmbH

    German manufacturer of laser systems for tool and mold construction.

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