- SpecsConvert Specs to MetricX1,870.1"Y177.17"Z59.055"Power108.6 hpRPM30,000 RPMControlCNC
- Product Overview
The machine design of the GANTRY HD is clearly tailored for highly-dynamic 5-axis simultaneous machining of composites and high-speed cutting (HSC) of light alloys such as aluminium. The machining centre with high moving Y-bridge impresses with optimum results in terms of both speed and precision. Options such as an enclosed workzone and exhaust systems create ideal conditions for machining plastics and composite materials.
The highly modular system design permits customisation in accordance with individual requirements. Configure your machining centre specifically for your needs and benefit from the outstanding flexibility of the extensive module catalogue, which makes it possible to select different table sizes, the number of Y-bridges, the tool magazine configuration and the number of machining units, for example. The large machining table of the GANTRY HD high moving portal machining centre offers various options for optimum clamping of individual workpieces.
- About Company
Machining centers for all your applications: The German machine tool manufacturer bavius technologie gmbh has been one on the world's leading manufacturers of 5-axis HSC/HPC machining centers for almost 30 years. Our machines are as different as the requirements of our customers. Thanks to modular machine concepts, we do not just cover a wide range of different applications, but we are also able to meet the specific needs of individual applications and we can find the ideal solution for your machining requirements.bavius machining centers are used in a wide range of different industries (aerospace, curtain wall, mold and die, automotive, metal construction, energy and many more) and offer unique versatility for many different applications in terms of type, form, size, complexity and machining strategy when cutting materials such as composites, aluminum, steel and titanium. We cover the whole workpiece spectrum from small parts with a size from approx. 50 mm (approx. 2 in) diameter up to large parts with dimensions of approx. 47,000 x 7,000 mm (approx. 1,850 x 276 in). 5-axis HSC/HPC machining centers from bavius are the perfect solution for cutting applications that demand productivity, precision and reliability. 5-axis simultaneous machining and complete machining of parts in as few set-ups as necessary provide for significantly reduced cycle times. Additional automation for even less non-productive time is a further major factor to increase productivity. bavius is offering four product lines with different machine series within each line: - Horizontal machining centers HBZ (HBZ Trunnion, HBZ CompactCell, HBZ AeroCell) - Profile machining centers PBZ (PBZ SC, PBZ NT, PBZ HD) - High moving portal machining centers GANTRY (GANTRY HD, GANTRY SD) - Universal machining centers UBZ (UBZ HD, UBZ SD)