Texas, 美國總覽
泵輸出 | 94,000 PSI |
電機 | 100 hp |
Stocking 60K and 90K Flow Intensifier Pump Parts that are "Made in the USA"! That's right.....USA Made pump parts for Flow 60K and 94K Intenisifiers. Not a start-up company....rather enigineers with lots of patents that have been in the waterjet industry for decades! They know waterjets!!!
Flow pumps available as spares.....as refurbished....or as complete remanufactured pumps including warranties.
Intensifier rebuild programs available.
Lots of used parts for Flow IFB's. If you own and IFB Flow waterjet....you need us on speed dial!
60K and 94K Intensifiers both New and Used/Rebuilt
High Pressure Seals
Low Pressure Seals
Check Valves and Kits
High Pressure Cylinders
Ceramic Plungers
and "Hi-Load Piston Biscuit for both 60K and 94K Intensifiers!
These Hi-Load Piston Biscuits are the BiggestUpgrade you can give your intensifier....Greater Stability and Longevity!
Lots of 60K and 94K replacement parts at better than OEM pricing.
Need 60K and 90K high pressure tubing and fittings? Got 'em in stock.
Sapphire and Diamond Orifices for Paser 4 Cutting Heads and Mixing Tubes in 3" and 4" lengths.... .030 .... .035 .... .040 Diameters
And many more parts!
Call or email today.
Waterjet Warehouse
Alos have several KMT pumps availble.