大幅面雕刻機ONSRUD 145M12GA
5′ x 12′ C.R. Onsrud 145M12CA M Series CNC Router TableSystem, 2020 – Plotter, Dust Collector, By-Pass Conveyor, Vacuum Lifter, Full Automation System and Room
-Designed, FEA Engineered, and Manufactured in America, utilizing steel construction.
-Dual supported gantry driven on both sides with independent servo motors and drives. This dual channel design enhances accuracy & rigidity. The moving gantry, fixed table, design allows for up to 2,000 ipm programmable feed rates.
-Control system comes standard with full 3D capability (multi-axis interpolation).
-Precision linear motion systems on all axes.
-Standard with Onsrud Universal High Flow Vacuum Table System suitable for flow-through spoil | boards, dedicated fixtures, or easily upgradable for pod systems.
CR ONSRUD High-Flow Universal Vacuum Table System
-Includes: oversized 4” intake manifold, high-capacity vacuum plumbing, high-flow 45mm grid waffle patterns, with Onsrud’s Unique High Flow Vacuum Inlets, to offer maximum vacuum airflow & absolutely minimal airflow restriction for excellent part holding.
-(4) High Flow Vacuum Zones – Pneumatic Ball Valve, Actuated via Push Button or PLC Controlled
-9-inches of Z stroke – 9” under bridge clearance & 11” Z axis stroke from spindle nose in retracted position to table
-5×12 – Flow-Through Spoil Board – LDF table top fo be used as replaceable sacrificial spoil board.
FANUC 0i Machine Controller System with Panel-i HMI
-Industrial CNC Machine Controller with Fanuc Panel-i HMI w/High Res touch screen. Fanuc 0i is not a PC with a control card but is a dedicated Industrial PLC designed to control CNC motion, for maximum reliability and performance. includes: Network capability, adds Large FANUC Digital Drives & Servos. Includes Full remote diagnostic troubleshooting capabilities. Adds m-code controlled vacuum zones. Provided with 4-port network hub .
12 HP Spindle
-4-Pole, 8Kw, 12HP, HSK-63F — 24,000 RPM fully programmable, variable speed, reversible, HSK 63F tool interface, quick-change cartridge style spindle; capable of routing & drilling, with programmable feed rates with override capability.
C-Axis Ability for Use With Aggregates
-Adds a continuous rotation, rotational C-axis to Aggregate Tool Changer & Capability.
Standard Manual Greased Lubrication
-Bearing Blocks and Ballscrews have standard zirk fittings for easy application of grease
Dust Collection Side Stanchion Kit
-{includes flex hose, 2 steel stands, & clamps to connect the provided dust transition to your collector, above to the left, or above to the right of your moving gantry machine’s footprint)
Automated Nested Sheet Offload System with Integrated Dust Extraction
-System removes finished parts, scrap, and all dust and debris from the machining area in under 25 seconds & adds the “-A” Designation to the model # of the machine. Includes Material Removal Scraper-Arm system with Integrated 6” Dust Extraction Hood. Material Removal Scraper-Arm uses the same dust collection that is provided to the main router spindle. Pneumatically controlled table side-guides rise to assure that your already machined parts & scrap transition smoothly to an offload table & then aid in the positioning of the next sheet of material along with the included pneumatically controlled pop-up-positioning pin. This system accommodates up to a 5×12 sheet, limits the usable Z-clearance to around 4 inches on a Pro Series and 2in on Mate and Tech Series, and eliminates the need for additional perimeter pop-up positioning pins.
Onsrud Automated Material Infeed System
-Automated system for the loading of full sheets of Plywood, Melamine, or other similar manmade sheets over %4 inch thickness up to 1” thickness when pre-staged by customer. System relies on the Onsrud Automated Offload System to remove the parts after machining, & to clean the table of dust & debris. Operator needs to position the next sheet behind the router on an appropriate height table for the machine to pick up and place on the machining table. The system will load the CNC Router’s vacuum table accurately, without operator input or intervention, begin the machine cycle (if the machine is in a ready state) & then unload & clean the table at the end of the cycle.
Integrated Conveyor Out-Feed Table for Automated Nested Sheet Offload System
-Integrated conveyor system conveniently delivers the finished parts to the operator at the end of the machine. An electric eye senses when the conveyor should run and bring the parts to the operator or stop and let the operator stack each part. The machine control signals the conveyor to start running when the Automated Nested Sheet Offload System goes to sweep and offload the parts from the machining table. Collision avoidance built into the control prevents the machine from pushing another sheet onto the conveyor offload table if another sheet is still on the conveyor table waiting to be stacked by the operator. A dust extraction grate is located at the table’s transition which collects loose dust & debris as the sheet transitions from the machining area to the offload table. An additional dust extraction grate collects any remaining debris at the end of the conveyor where the operator stacks the finished parts. Accommodates sheets up to 5ft x 12ft.
Onsrud Auto Pre-Marking System
-System will print direct ken to material using a dedicated gantry system, while the sheet is in the bunk waiting to be loaded.
-It marks the next sheet while the current sheet is being routed, saving time.
-Adds to efficiency & minimizes potential for errors by parts being marked before they come off the machine.
-Can print letters up to 3/4in height.
-This system takes a standard DXF or CSV file for marking information
10 Tool — Hide Away Rack Tool Changer
-Allows the Entire Rack tool changer Assembly to retract beneath the tables surface & adds a retracting cover to help protect tooling from dust &/or debris. Able to Store Aggregates. You may not be able to hold some larger or non-standard aggregates
(8) Extra HSK-63 Standard Tool Holders
-1” collet capacity (each with chuck nut)
Air Conditioned Electronics Cabinets
Automatic Directional Air Blast
Integrated Conveyor System – Inside Inkjet Printer Station
-Integrated conveyor system inside Inkjet Printer station. Includes wail side (LH) high fence for manual or storage system sheet “Y” axis reference and front offload idle rollers c/w popup pin and sensor for “X” axis referencing – maximum material size 5′ x 12’ plus rollers and popup pin – must allow space for storage system gantry head placement of sheets
Integrated Buffer Zone Conveyor System – Receiving Sheets from Inkjet Printer
-Integrated conveyor system receiving printed sheets from Inkjet Printer station. Includes front offload idle rollers c/w popup pin and sensor for “X” axis referencing – maximum material size 5′ x 12′ plus rollers and popup pin – must allow space for storage system gantry head Removal of sheets – Buffer zone allows for manual or Storage System removal of sheets requiring printing only, no machining. Ensures sheet alignment against popup pin for feeding into Router
Custom Smart Hood
-M series custom smart hood for use with “C” axis and saw aggregate. To pick up Saw aggregate from Hideaway tool changer. Full table coverage.
Router Enclosure Conveyor Station – Outfeed
-Material outfeed conveyor area, receiving sheets from router and feeding through cutout in Router enclosure structure built by Ellis Don (please coordinate with client for enclosure openings requirements. Approx. 4’ c/w undermount dust transition & overhead dust transition mounted outside safety bar travel area
Router Enclosure Idle Roller Station – Infeed
-Material staging area, receiving sheets from buffer station through cutout in Router enclosure structure built by Ellis Don (please coordinate with client for enclosure openings requirements. Approx. 4’ c/w popup pin for alignment staging preparation for router infeed only option to pickup next sheet.
Custom Vacuum Zones
-Custom vacuum zones for Automation
Dust Collection Blast Gate
-Blast gate integrated into the machines control to allow automatic open/close function
Offload Table Overhead Dust Transition
-Provides an inlet for dust collection as parts pass onto outfeed table. Manually adjustable for panels thickness.
Energy Chain Protective Sleeve
-This flexible protective sleeve helps keep debris out of energy chain better than traditional closed section energy chains without hindering performance.
QPS-CSA Certification
-CSA Certification and Machine Label
Automation Intelligence
-Adds the necessary hardware and software to be able to use advanced automation features such as O-Sync, InnoAgg Label Printing, etc.
Qsync Machine Analytics
-Osync machine monitoring is designed to provide deep insights into your machining process. Osync starts with a real time machine information to let you know exactly what is going on with each of your machines at any time. Osync can also show summary information about your productivity with dashboards, reports, graphs, OEE comparisons, and more based on the program history. Along with program information, Osync provides deeper insights into diagnostic information to get your machine back running quickly. Text message or email alerts can also be setup for critical information. Additionally, Osync will help you keep your machine running in top shape with preventative maintenance schedules. Osyne is taking maintenance to the next level by adding predictive maintenance alerts to it latest releases. Osync is in active development and continues to push the Industry 4.0 limits with each release.
40HP Dekker V-Max Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump
-550 CFM System @ 29″/hg; 781 m3/hr @982Mb, 575V.
Auto Tool Length Touchpad Digitizer
-Measures tool length and records in machine tool length tables, may not work with custom or non-standard tooling, or some custom profiles.
Onsrud Digital Bench-Top Tool Setter
-Allows you to measure tools off-line in seconds and be ready for the next job while the machine is still in production.
Benz “MONO R – PREMIUM” High Performance Single Sided Right Angle Head
-8,000 RPM max., oil, 25 SD Nm torque, (1:0.8) gear ratio, 12 lbs. Specify tool outlet and length.
Standard 4-Axis Post Processor for MasterCAM
-Post processor for anew C.R. Onsrud CNC Router and current version of MasterCAM Router software. 4-Axis Posts can support a C-Axis and standard drill-block.
(4) Air Knife on Linear Guide
-This option places one set of Air Knives on 1 linear guide (front and back of motion).