With over 20 years in machine tools industry, Shanghai Vulcan Machinery Co., Ltd. are well experted in machine tool technology and marketing. Our main product line includes metal cutting machines such as lathes, milling machines, dilling machines, grinding machines and etc; and fabrication equipments such as shearing machines, bending machines and presses. We also have good resourses of tooling and accessories products.
We endeavored to exert top quality controll over every piece of machinery we sold, and established a professonal inspection system over the years. We are well familiar with quality standards of different locations, such as European and American standards, thus ensuring our products suitable for every individual market.
Over the years we have built up good fame over the world, and have our own share in many markets. We sell our products to a lot of countries such as the USA, Colombia, Brazil, South Afric, Lebanon, Indian and Singapore. We have a well trained staff of export operation, who are well skilled in processing export documents, customs clearance, and shipping routines.
We aim at best machines and perfect exporting services to our customers. Choose us, Choose made-in-China.
- 板材折彎機
- 刨床
- CNC 車床
- 插齒機
- 插床
- 齒輪試驗機
- 床身銑床
- 大幅面雕刻機
- 倒角機
- 刀具磨床
- 等離子焊機
- 等離子切割機
- 電火花成形機床
- 電火花穿孔機
- 定尺切斷生產線
- 鍛錘
- 鍛壓操作機
- 粉末成形壓機
- 高速生產壓力機
- 攻絲機
- 管材、棒材切割機
- 管材和棒料折彎機
- 管端成型設備
- 管螺紋套絲機
- 管子成型設備
- 滾齒機
- 珩磨機
- 火焰切割機
- 角成形機
- 開槽機
- 開卷機
- 開式固定台壓力機
- 開式可傾壓力機
- 可移動式鑽床(帶磁性底座)
- 鐳射打標機
- 鐳射切割機
- 冷加工圓鋸床
- 立式帶鋸床
- 立式加工中心
- 立式鏜銑床(包括 VTL)
- 立式銑床
- 立式鑽床
- 龍門加工中心(包括橋樑和雙柱)
- 馬鞍車床
- 磨齒機
- 內圓磨床
- 盤盒類零件折彎機
- 平面磨床(矩台)
- 普通車床
- 氣動壓力機
- 其他試驗設備
- 曲軸磨床
- 全齒輪立式鑽床
- 傘齒輪刨齒機
- 深孔鑽床
- 手動彎板機
- 雙立柱臥式帶鋸床
- 伺服進給裝置
- 送料和整平機
- 臺式車床
- 臺式三合一車床(包括鑽和銑)
- 鏜缸機
- 外園磨床
- 彎角鐵機
- 萬能外圓磨床
- 萬能銑床
- 臥式刨臺式鏜銑床
- 臥式帶鋸床
- 臥式加工中心
- 臥式落地鏜銑床
- 臥式鏜銑床
- 臥式銑床
- 無心磨床
- 線切割設備
- 校平機
- 軋輥車床
- 壓紋機
- 壓鑄機
- 搖臂鑽床
- 液壓機
- 油田車床/特大孔徑車床
- 折邊機
- 制動鼓車床
- 縱切機和縱切線
- 走心式自動車床
- 鑽孔攻絲加工中心
- 鑽頭磨床
- 鑽銑床