Founded in 1865, Gleason Corporation is a global leader in the technology of gearing. Products and services include machinery for the production, finishing and testing of gears as well as a worldwide support system which provides cutting tools, workholding, replacement parts, field service, application development services, gear design and inspection software, training programs, engineering support and machine rebuild and upgrade services. The Company is also a leader in the theory of gear design and in the application, testing and analysis of prototype and production gears. Customers include leading companies in the automotive, aerospace and aircraft, energy, truck, recreational vehicle and power equipment industries.
- 插齒機
- 齒輪淬火壓床
- 齒輪刀具磨床
- 齒輪刀具預調檢測機
- 齒輪試驗機
- 齒輪研磨機
- 仿形磨床
- 滾齒機
- 珩齒機
- 螺紋磨床
- 磨齒機
- 傘齒輪刨齒機
- 剃齒機