三力机床 WF67K-160/3200
- 规格参数改为公制公称力176.37 T总长10.5'立柱间距8.53'行程7.874"控制系统数控系统
- 产品概述
WF67K synchronous troque hydraulic press brakes (CNC economic)
Characteristics of the machines:
- Holistic welding structure, annealing treated
- Backgauge(x) and Strok(y) computerised control
- Backgauge auto position, limted in 0.1mm; Stop dog auto position, limitd in 0.01mm
- Single-track orientation, eliminate lead-screw driving gap
- Adopt quality ballscrew & linear guideway
- Inch, single, continous operations
- Safe fence & elec interlocker equipped, safety guaranteed
- Quick position, electric stroke adjustment, backgauge digital displayer
- Double cylinders control ram working, mechanical torsion synchronization
- High performance rotary encoder
- A set of standard tools & front support arms are provided - 关于公司
安徽省三力机床制造股份有限公司,属国家级高新技术企业、公司主要生产“大盛” 牌、 “聚成”牌、“三力机床”牌系列机械伺服智控折弯机、高端智控型(普通型)折弯机、折弯机、剪板机、联合冲剪机、多功能快速压力机、焊接机器人、开槽机、四柱油压机、角剪机、卷板机、型材弯曲机、液压卷法兰机、冲床、鳄鱼剪、弯管机、打包机、各种规格剪板机刀具、折弯机模具及配件等产品。专业为军工、航空、铁路、船舶、汽车、电梯、冶金、电力、石化、轻工、矿山、装潢、建筑等行业提供所需的金属板材、型材、管材加工机械成套设备及配件;产品销往全国各地并出口东南亚、中东、欧盟、南非、南美等地区。