RAPID 1034
Make: Rapid Model: 1034 / MC-14 Condition: used, Overall in great Shape Ready For Use 2 Of These Available Serial Numbers: 470-157 470-158 470-159 Year New: 2007 Plastic Granulator Multi Cutter G...
Connecticut, 美国 | 非常好 | RAPID
RAPID 1418-K
Rapid 1418K Granulator 1. In-feed: Insulated Tray Feed 2. Cutting Chamber: 14” x 18” 3. Rotor: 3 Knife Slant Cut Open 4. Bed Knives: D2 Tool Steel 5. Screen: 5/16” Diameter 6. Base: Mounted on Ca...
美国 | 良好 | RAPID
工具和附件 (其它)
RAPID Type Tool Holders , set of 4 used tooling units. Top of T size: 41mm, bottom of T size: 30mm.
美国 | RAPID