普通车床WEBB WB 1440G
Texas, 美国总览
14" X 40" New Webb Engine Lathe
回转直径 | 14" |
横拖板上最大回转直径 | 8.75" |
顶尖间距 | 40" |
主轴孔径 | 1.5" |
主轴转速 | 2,000 RPM |
功率 | 3 hp |
方面 | 73" Long. X 34" Wide X 48" |
重量 | 1,950 Lbs. |
Standard Features of WB 1440G:
Bed is made of high tensile case iron FC25, hardened and ground bedways, hardened and
ground gears in headstock, D1-4 camlock spindle.
Each WB 1440G Machine Includes the Following Standard Accessories
Gap bed, 2HP 1PH or 3HP 3PH main driver motor, Center sleeve MT5xMT3 and centers, 4-way tool post, complete electric control unit, change gears, floor stand,1/8HP coolant pump equipment, rear splash guard, rapid foot brake, tool box & kits, steady rest, follow rest, 3-Jaw scroll chuck 6"(160mm), 4-Jaw independent chuck 8" (200mm), face plate 10" (250mm), Operators and Parts Manuals.
Swing Over Bed Ways.............................14"
Swing Over Cross Slide..........................8-3/4"
Swing In Gap....................................20-3/4"
Bed Width ......................................7-9/16"
Center Distance.................................40"
Compound Travel.................................4"
Cross Slide Travel..............................6-1/2"
Spindle Hole....................................1-1/2"
Spindle Speeds (12).............................82 To 2,000 Rpm's
Spindle Nose....................................D1-4
Chuck Size......................................6" 3-Jaw
Chuck Size .....................................8" 4-Jaw
Feeds Cross.....................................0.04 To .52 IPR
Feeds Long (32).................................0017 To .0242 IPR
Threads Inch....................................4 To 56 TPI
Threads Metric..................................4 To 7.0 MM
Lead Screw......................................1"
Tail Stock Quill Diameter.......................2-1/2"
Tail Stock Quill Travel.........................4"
Tail Stock Taper................................# 2 Morse
Main Motor......................................3 Hp.
Machine Dimension ..............................73" L X 36" W
Machine Height..................................48"
Weight..........................................1,950 Lbs.
Standard Steady Rest............................Yes
Inch And Metric Dials...........................Yes
Coolant Pan And Pump............................Yes
Full Length Splash Guard........................Yes
Thread Dial.....................................Yes
Foot Brake......................................Yes
Foundation Pads.................................Yes
Option Include With Machine:
Quick Change Tool Post with 5 Holders............$890.00
2 Axis Newall DRO for X and Y Axis...............$3,490.00
Installation of Any 2 Axis DRO...................$450.00
Work Light (110V, 55W)...........................$190.00
Single Saddle Stop...............................$225.00
Freight In To N&R................................$1,770.00
Machine is located in Navasota, Texas
Below Chucks 90 Days From Receipt Of Order:
New Gator Steel Body 10" 3-Jaw D1-4
with two-piece jaws..............................$3,073.00
New Gator Adjust True 10" 6-Jaw Steel Body.......$2,664.00
New Gator Adjust True 10" 6-Jaw Semi Steel.......$2,148.00
Adaptor Plate D1-4...............................$1,200.00
One Year Parts Warranty