paradyne machine
paradyne machine
We at Paradyne Coatings & MACHINE re-builders, are company has been rebuilding old worn machinery of cnc mills, presses, and extruders machine for the plastics, steel ,pulp & paper, coal mining, and machining companies.
All work is backed with a un-conditional warranty for three years from date of use. we specialize in all makes and models new/old machinery. Call us for information kit.
- 公司类型
- 工具及附件制造商
- 机床大修/翻新
- 技术维护
- 加工企业
- 金属及制品服务中心
- 控制与自动化
- 零部件制造商
- 维修及服务
- 工具产品线
- 齿轮刀具
- 芬宝(Finn Power)型
- 美式折弯机模具
- 其它压弯机工具
- 新标准工具/模具
- 服务品牌
- ACS Group
2900 South 160th Street
New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151
美国 - Gardner Denver Nash
200 Simko Boulevard
Alta Vista Business Park
Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022
美国 - Godson Bending Systems Pvt Ltd
1 Atika Ind. Area
Dhebar Road - south
Rajkot, Gujarat 360002
印度 - Haas Automation, Inc.
2800 Sturgis Rd.
Oxnard, California 93030
美国 - Milacron LLC
4165 Half Acre Rd
Bativia, Ohio 45103
美国 - SKF GmbH
Gunnar-Wester-Str. 12
Schweinfurt 97421
德国 - Siemens AG
Wittelsbacherplatz 2
Munich 80333
- ACS Group