Allegheny Machine Tool Systems, Inc.
![Allegheny Machine Tool Systems, Inc. Allegheny Machine Tool Systems, Inc.](
At AMTSI, our commitment to customer support shows in the way we provide service to our customers. we have our own experienced staff of 5 highly trained field service engineers located throughout the Western Pennsylvania area, from Pittsburgh to Erie.
Between 90 and 95% of the time, we are on site to respond to a downed warranty machine within 24 hours. Technical assistance over the phone is available within hours. Our structure enables us to respond to any problem throughout our territory without wasted travel time.
Every field service engineer is equipped with a cell phone so that, if necessary, technical support can be reached quickly. We are all outfitted with vehicles and tools sufficient to get to the job site and get the job done quickly and efficiently.
We provide basic maintenance and preventative maintenance training during the installation of new machines. More in-depth training is available upon request, and as always, if a customer has any questions at all we strive to answer them quickly and properly.
If you have a cnc service need, whether or not you are currently an AMTSI customer, call Bob Wachs, our service manager, for assistance at the telephone number above. or, you may simply fill out our contact form and we will respond shortly.
- 公司类型
- 工具及附件经销商
- 零部件经销商
- 软件及CAD-CAM
- 设备培训
- 维修及服务
- 新机床经销商/进出口公司/销售代理
- 我们代理的品牌
- 类型
- (排式或组式)多轴重型钻床
- 比较仪
- CNC 车床
- 测量设备
- 叉车
- 冲压头和冲模磨床
- 床身铣床
- 存储系统
- 导轨磨床
- 刀具磨床
- 电火花成形机床
- 电火花穿孔机
- 多任务加工中心
- 缸径量规
- 高度量规
- 高压水射流切割机
- 花岗岩平台
- 激光切割机
- 检验设备
- 精密车床
- 可移动式钻床(带磁性底座)
- 冷加工圆锯床
- 立/卧式铣床
- 立方工作台/钻削工作台
- 立式加工中心
- 立式加工中心(五轴或更多轴)
- 立式万能磨床
- 立式镗铣床(包括VTL)
- 立式铣床
- 立式钻床
- 龙门加工中心(包括桥梁和双立柱)
- 万能外圆磨床
- 万能铣床
- 内圆磨床
- 喷抛清理设备
- 喷水推进泵
- 偏摆仪
- 平面磨床(矩台)
- 普通车床
- 千分表卡尺
- 千分尺
- 柔性加工系统
- 三维打印机
- 上下料系统
- 数字式卡尺
- 外园磨床
- 卧式带锯床
- 卧式加工中心
- 卧式落地镗铣床
- 卧式镗铣床
- 卧式铣床
- 线切割设备
- 显微镜
- 校准设备
- 轧辊车床
- 摇臂钻床
- 印刷设备
- 硬度试验设备
- 游标卡尺
- 油田车床/特大孔径车床
- 直尺规
- 转塔冲床
- 走心式自动车床
- 坐标测量机
- 座标磨床
- 服务产品线
- CNC 车床
- CNC 车床(五轴或更多轴联动)
- 立式镗铣床(包括VTL)
- 压铸机
- 自动棒料加工机床
- 服务品牌
- Amada Machine Tools America, Inc.
2324 Palmer Dr.
Schaumburg, Illinois 60173
美国 - CHIRON Werke GmbH & Co. KG
Kreuzstraße 75
Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg D-78532
德国 - DN Solutions
19F, 10, Tongil-ro, Jung-gu
韩国 - Eurotech Elite
1150 Ponce De Leon Blvd
Brooksville, Florida 34601
美国 - Fives Landis Corp.
16778 Halfway Blvd.
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
美国 - Hankook Machine Tools Co., Ltd.
52 Woongnam Dong
Changwon Gyeongnam 641-290
韩国 - Hurco NA
One Technology Way
P.O. Box 68180
Indianapolis, Indiana 46268
美国 - Jet Edge
12070 43rd Street NE
St. Michael, Minnesota 55376
美国 - Johnford (Roundtop) Machinery Company Ltd.
No. 1056, Zhongshan Rd., Shengang Shiang,
Taichung County 429 , R.O.C
台湾 - Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.
3-19, Nakane 2-chome, Meguro-ku
Tokyo 152
日本 - Mitutoyo Corporation
20-1 Sakado 1
1-chome, Takatsu-ku
Kanagawa 213-0012
日本 - Muratec Machinery, Ltd.
136 Takeda-Mukaishiro-cho
Kyoto 612-8686
日本 - You Ji Machine Industrial Co. Ltd
Kaohsiung 82142
- Amada Machine Tools America, Inc.