Lewis Systems & Service Co.
For more than 30 years, Lewis Systems & Service, Co. has provided the highest quality air compressor and vacuum pump system products, parts and service in the southeast.
- 公司类型
- 机床大修/翻新
- 维修及服务
- 服务产品线
- 离心式空气压缩机
- 冷冻式压缩空气干燥机
- 螺杆/滑片式空气压缩机
- 往复式空压机
- 无润滑式空气压缩机
- 压缩空气干燥器
- 服务品牌
- Gardner Denver, Inc
1800 Gardner Expressway
Quincy, Illinois 62305
美国 - Hitachi Zosen Fukui Corporation
8-28, Jiyugaoka 1-chome
Awara, Fukui 919-0695
日本 - Ingersoll Rand
9017 Blue Ash Rd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
- Gardner Denver, Inc