- SpecMetrik Özellikleri dönüştürmeSalınım7.87"Merkezler14.17"Güç0.7 hpRPM (Dönüş Sayısı/Dakika)3,000 RPMKontrolCNCBoyutlar39.3"W x 30.75"D x 22.25"HAğırlık353 (LBS)
- Ürüne Genel Bakış
CNC Turning Technology introduces students to the fundamentals of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) turning by means of hands on activities with the BenchTurn 7000.
Students learn the fundamentals of CNC working with quality equipment to accurately produce parts. Students observe and experience CNC’s superiority over time-consuming, less accurate, manually controlled machine tools. - Şirket Hakkında
intelitek is a leading manufacturer of bench-top CNC machine tools. with 30 years of experience and more than 12,000 machines installed worldwide, intelitek has earned its reputation as a leader in factory automation solutions.
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