• Spec
    Metrik Özellikleri dönüştürme
    Akış Oranı
    3,900 ft³/min.
    5 hp
  • Ürüne Genel Bakış

    This model is designed for larger jobs and can accommodate not only the large single piece, but also has the size to have two or three jobs going at the same time on this table. The 7200B is one of the larger tables in Denray's push-button cleaning line. This model comes standard with a rubber coated top, magnetic starter and with 80/20 cartridge filters which clean with a 99.95% capture rate at 0.5 micron.
    SIZE 72" x 48"
    HEIGHT 36"
    MOTOR 5 HP, 1 PH or 3 PH
    VOLTAGE 220, 1 PH or
    230, 460 & 575, 3 PH
    CFM 3900
    SOUND LEVEL 78 Decibels

  • Şirket hakkında
    Denray Machine, Inc.

    manufacturer of industrial air cleaning equipment, dust booths, downdraft tables, backdraft units

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