- СпекуляцияПреобразование Спецификации для метрическойОсь Х17.717"Ось Y15.748"Ось Z13.78"КонтрольЧПУ (Sinumerik 828D)
- О компании
The success story of this Austrian company, which was founded in 1947, started with the production of conventional lathes. The EMCO Group in the meantime has become one of Europe’s leading producers of machine tools and has production plants in Austria, Germany and Italy. Since December EMCO is part of the Kuhn Holding GmbH, located in Salzburg. The group of companies consists of an association of top European suppliers (EMCO, FAMUP, MECOF and MAGDEBURG) all of which come from the machine-tool industry. United under the common maxim of “Made in the Heart of Europe” they work on intelligent and innovative production solutions for the machining industry. With its extensive product portfolio, the EMCO Group is a respected and proven partner within the field of turning and milling.
Дистрибьюторы, Офисы продаж и Мастерские по ремонту и обслуживанию
- Дистрибьюторы116Advanced Technologies Consultants
P.O. Box 905
110 West Main St
Northville, Michigan 48167
Соединенные ШтатыIndustrial Training Solutions (ITS)
742 Magnolia Street Suite B
Madison, Mississippi 39110
Соединенные ШтатыRomsa Technology, SRL
Calle Las Colinas, N° 15, Las Colinas del Seminario
Santo Domingo
Доминиканская РеспубликаBereziak Equipos y Maquinaria
Av. Marcos Joffre OE5-16 y Félix Oralabal
Quito, Pichincha 17171275
Rua Parsh, 450 - Distrito Industrial - 13280-000 - Vinhedo - SP - Brasil
БразилияAMS Advanced Machine Systems S.A.
Av. Congreso 5995, Piso 1, Dpto. 1°A
Buenos Aires C1431 EZG
АргентинаAMS - Advanced Machine Systems
Av. Constituyentes 5501 1P. Dpto 1
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C1431EZG
АргентинаErkan CNC Teknolojileri Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
İSTANBUL, Istanbul 34776
ТурцияThe Precision Engineering Co.
1/2189, 3RD Floor, Lane-15, East Ram Nagar,Subhash Marg, Shahdara
New Delhi, Delhi 110032
ИндияAblesure International Trading Limited
Room 603, Building B2, ChengShiJiangShan, No.1 DanLongRoad
NanAn District
КитайAble Sure International Trading Limited
21/F, No. 6 Tonnochy Road, Kwan Chart Tower
Hong Kong
ГонконгUnited Trade Centre
149/A Airport Rd., Farmgate Baitush Sharaf Complex (2nd Floor)
Dhaka, Dhaka 1215
БангладешQuantum Machine Tools Private Limited
21 Bukit Batok Crescent,#13-84 WCEGA Tower
Singapore 658065
СингапурPT Graha Technik Service Markmur
Kedoya Elok Plaza Blok DA 15, JI. Raya Panjang, Kebon Jeruk
Индонезия - Офисы продаж15EMCO CNC de México, S.A. de C.V.
Calle 2 No. 135
Industrial Benito Juárez
Querétaro, Queretaro de Arteaga
МексикаEMCO Machinery (Taicang) Co., Ltd
Room 25, 17F Dong Ting No. 319, Middle Zhenghe Road,
Taicang City, Jiangsu 215400
КитайEmcut Emco Machines India Pvt Ltd
51/1 Shakespeare Sarani
Unimark Asian, 14th Floor,
Kolkata 700 017
ИндияEMCO Representative Malaysia
Unit B-12-1, 12th Floor, Casa Damansara1, Jalan SS2/113
Selangor 47300
Малайзия - Мастерские по ремонту и обслуживанию7