- EspeculaçãoConverter Especificações para MetricX31.496"Y17.717"Z19.882"# ATC20ControloCNC (FANUC OM)
- Sobre a empresa
The Machine Tools Division of Fair Friend Group was established in 1985. The main products during its beginning stage were Sawing Machines and Grinding Machines. Realizing the industry trend toward high automation and unmanned operations in the machine tool industry, the development in CNC Machine Tool was launched in the same year, and the brand name FEELER was established for the overseas marketing. In 1986, the first moving column vertical machining center in Taiwan was built and it was highly regarded by the market. After this success, the development of CNC Lathes was launched in order to complete the FEELER product line.
Estado | Localização | Preço | |
Usado - Bom 1996 | Massachusetts Estados Unidos |
Distribuidores, Escritórios de vendas e Oficinas de serviços e reparos
- Distribuidores22Machinery Technology & Engineering SA de CV
AV Abraham Lincoln 232
Arco Vial
Garcia, Nuevo Leon 66023
MéxicoHerramientas y Maquinaria Unicornio, S.A. de C.V.
Av. Washington No. 424
Guadalajara, Jalisco 44460
México - Escritórios de vendas3
- Oficinas de serviços e reparos3