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    Acco’s Wright® product line has been the industry leader in establishing hoist duty ratings and has made certain their hoists meet this criteria.

    The Wright Work-Rated hoists are duty service classification H4. Hoists in this category are capable of high volume handling of heavy loads. Operating 30 minutes of each hour with a maximum of 300 starts an hour. Wright Work-Rated hoists meet ASME-4M, both mechanically and electrically.

    Work-Rated Hoists include features like:

    30-minute Duty Motors
    Long Lifts up to 206 feet
    Mechanical Load Brake
    Overload Cutoff
    Single, Two Speed or VFD Controls
    Motor Brake
    Motor Thermostat
    Other options are available
    Wright® Work-Rated® Hoists offer options for hazardous locations, spark resistant and explosion resistant hoists.

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  • Sobre a empresa
    Acco Material Handling Solutions

    For over 100 years, Acco has been the industry leader in material handling. We offer monorail cranes and hoists, grabs, lifters, tracks, crane components, hand trucks, casters and more.

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