Usado (2)
Usado DURMA (2)
DURMA HRB-4 3040
Rolls, Placa Bending (incld pitada)
DURMA 1.58" x 10.170' 4-Roll Hydraulic Plate Rolling Machine With CNC Control With Rectilinear Guides, Mdl. HRB-4-3040, Hydraulic Drop End, Safety Line All Around Machine for Emergency Stop, Pedest...
Texas, Estados Unidos | Usado - Excelente | DURMA
DURMA HRB-4 3040
Rolls, Placa Bending (incld pitada)
1.73” X 10’ 4 - Roll Hydraulic Plate Roll with NC Control, Hydraulic Drop End, Pedestal Control Stand, Safety Line Around the Machine and Rectilinear Guides
Florida, Estados Unidos | Usado - Bom | DURMA