- 제품 개요
L’affilatrice MICRON 650 è controllata da PLC, può essere programmata ed utilizzata anche da parte di un operatore non esperto, la regolazione della macchina è effettuata tramite semplici e precisi comandi meccanici, e tramite la pulsantiera di comando, con operazioni sequenziali.
Per la realizzazione della dentatura rompitruciolo, utilizzata per il taglio del tubo, che garantisce maggiori velocità di avanzamento della sega circolare, maggior durata della sega circolare, e miglior finitura della superficie tagliata. - 회사에 관하여
MVM Srl, has been producing for over 60 years industrial knife grinders for straight and circular blades of every dimension. The company has set itself the following key objectives: grinding precision product reliability competitive prices Knife grinding machines are used by the following main types of customers. Carpenters and woodworking companies that use knife grinders for their own use. Professional grinding workshops that use blade grinding machines to supply customers needing blade sharpening services. Industrial knife manufacturers that use knife grinding machines for the construction of new industrial blades. Customers needing surface grinding machines for metal, ceramic and other materials. The M.V.M. S.r.l. product range is very extensive and can fulfil the requirements of both knife and tool grinders and industrial blade manufacturers. Customers are offered strong technical support, which assists them in their choice of grinding machine and provides detailed know-how for the design of special equipment for blade and knife clamping. M.V.M. grinding machines and accessories can solve all your grinding needs.
- 대리점3EX-FACTORY Metal, A Division of: EX-FACTORY INC.
1805 Sardis Road North
Suite 107
Charlotte, North Carolina 28270