- スペックメトリックに仕様を変換しますZ26.378"パワー160.9 hp回転数30,000 RPM#ATC125テーパーHSK A63/80#Axis5コントロールCNC
- 製品概要
In the aviation industry, there is an increasing trend towards larger and larger monolithic structural components. The ECOSPEED series, featuring a horizontal spindle and a vertical pallet arrangement, has been specially developed for high-speed machining of these large structural aluminum components. A pallet transport system feeds pallets to the machine, the storage station and the loading/unloading station. The innovative Sprint Z3 parallel kinematic machining head, provides the user with the optimum 5-axis simultaneous machining process.
- 会社について
Starrag Group is a global technology leader in manufacturing high-precision machine tools for milling, turning, boring and grinding of small, medium-sized and larger workpieces of metallic, composite and ceramic materials. Principle customers are internationally active companies in the Aerospace & Energy, Transportation & Industrial Components and Precision Engineering sectors. In addition to its portfolio of machine tools, Starrag Group provides integrated technology and maintenance services that significantly enhance customer productivity. Starrag Group products are marketed under the following strategic brands: Berthiez, Bumotec, Dörries, Droop+Rein, Heckert, Scharmann, SIP, Starrag, TTL, and WMW. Headquartered in Rorschach/Switzerland, the Starrag Group operates manufacturing plants in Switzerland, Germany, France, the UK and India and has established a network of sales and services subsidiaries in numerous other countries. Starrag Group is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (Symbol: STGN).
- 販売業者19Ferrotall Maquinas Herramientas S.L.
Nicolás de Bussi, 44
Elche Parque Industrial
Elche, Alacant 03203
スペイン - 販売会社2
- サービス&修理店7