FLOW 25XT-40
- スペックメトリックに仕様を変換しますポンプ出力40,000 PSI
- 製品概要
Flow designed the 25X for easy operation and reliable performance. To that end, the user interface features a simple operating pressure gauge and adjustment, as well as a full graphics display. A cooling flow control valve minimizes cooling water usage, and a slow start feature gradually increases hydraulic pressure to the pre-set value.
- 会社について
FLOW WATERJET is the global leader in the development and manufacture of ultrahigh-pressure waterjet technology. We offer exceptional waterjet performance to a wide-ranging customer base, including job and machine shops, automotive, aerospace, and in-house production. Flow waterjet systems provide industry-leading technology at every price point backed by comprehensive service and support.
- 販売業者45Gladwin Machinery and Supply Central States
16203 North West 45 HWY
Kansas City, Missouri 64152
79-81 Ha Noi Highway, Thao Dien Ward, Dist.2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
B6 Lot, K1, Cat Lai II Industrial Park, Thanh My Loi Ward, Dist.2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh 848
ベトナム - 販売会社8Flow International Corporation - Argentina Branch
Colectora Panamericana Este 2011 of. 201
Buenos Aires B1609JVB
アルゼンチン - サービス&修理店4