DEA TORO 40.16.21

  • Specifiche
    Converti specifiche in sistema metrico
  • Descrizione del prodotto

    The DEA TORO is an innovative line of automatic horizontal arm measuring machines for dimensional inspection of sheet metal components and large size parts. TORO features an extraordinary price/performance ratio and is available in the Runway structure with the main guideway fixed to the floor.

    Brochure modello (539 KB)

  • Informazioni sull'azienda
    Hexagon Metrology Nordic AB

    hexagon metrology nordic ab (hmn) is a part of hexagon measurement technologies. with four measuring centers in sweden (eskilstuna, göteborg, trollhättan och stockholm) and a network of seven agents/distributors in the nordic countries, is hmn by far the strongest and biggest supplier of measurement services. we market co-ordinate measuring machines, portable measuring arms, portable 3d metrology products and hand gauges. hmn also runs service, calibration, training, applications and production-measuring systems into line with customer needs within the nordic countries. we marketing among others following brands: ce johansson, dea, cognitens, leitz, leica geosystems, romer, sheffield, tesa and pc-dmis.

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