• Specifiche
  • Descrizione del prodotto

    Coaxial screw compressor with maintenance-free drive and maximum energy efficiency in all pressure ranges. The low compressor speed and the low load on the bearings of the patented direct drive enable a very long service life.

    EasyTRONIC Micro II electronic control for reliability and efficiency
    To prevent motor overload, wear reduction and for longer service life
    Monitoring of operating hours, temperature and overload of the motor
    Control of the direction of rotation of the motor via phase sequence relays, thereby avoiding possible damage during commissioning or after a change of location
    Optimized cooling system
    Low-noise centrifugal fan guarantees optimal operating temperatures even under unfavorable operating conditions
    Thermostatically and electronically controlled fans and generously sized heat exchangers result in a longer service life and less fluctuations the oil temperature
    Easy to use in all details
    Low noise, suitable for installation in any work environment
    Small external dimensions, making transport and installation easy
    Service-friendly thanks to optimal accessibility and easy disassembly and assembly of all components to be serviced
    All air- and oil pipes made of heat-resistant rubber
    Standard with star-delta connection
    Ready for connection with all fittings
    Integrated refrigeration dryer for models ES
    Higher reliability of the compressed air system without costly downtimes and production delays while at the same time ensuring product quality
    Fully integrated in the housing
    Ready for use without installation effort
    Equipped with control panel and time-controlled steam trap

  • Circa la società
    Stürmer Maschinen GmbH

    As you can see from our history, the AIRCRAFT® compressors have been in production since 1992, and are manufactured to the latest technology. If your purchasing goal is value-for-money, then you will make the right choice in buying the AIRCRAFT® products as we manufacture the highest quality, userfriendly equipment which is reliable, and all at a very affordable price.

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