First Choice Industrial

First Choice Industrial
145 Auburn Park Drive
Auburn, Georgia 30011
Heure locale là-bas


First Choice Industrial, LLC is a leading industrial woodworking machinery sales & service dealer located in metro Atlanta, GA and serving GA, FL, TN, SC, NC and beyond.

Representing a large selection of industrial woodworking machinery and equipment manufacturers, including the following lines which are featured in our online new woodworking machinery catalog . . . SCM Group North America, Doucet, Koch, RazorGage, Striebeg, and Dantherm (among others), First Choice Industrial, LLC —located in Auburn, GA—is the southeast’s most complete industrial woodworking machinery and equipment dealer, offering new and used machinery and equipment sales, repair, installation, LEEDS consultation, leasing, repossession services, evaluation, de-installation, remarketing, storage and consignment sales.

Brochure de l'entreprise (279 Ko)