• Especificaciones
  • Descripción del producto

    Used flux or flux that is exposed to moisture can be reclaimed and rebaked to return it to desired conditions. The DryRod Type 750HT is a high performance re-baking oven that is ideal for re-baking flux to exact specifications. The oven features a Love brand digital controller to program temperature profiles for automatic re-baking and holding of flux.

    The Type 750HT ovens operate between 100°–800°F (38°–425°C) and are heavily insulated to minimize heat loss. Heating elements are protected from direct contact with the flux, preventing flux burning. The flux is loaded through the top and unloaded through an adjustable gate valve, providing welders easy access throughout the workday.

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  • Sobre la Compañía
    Phoenix International, Inc.

    Phoenix International, Inc. offers a complete line of electrode and flux ovens designed for holding, reconditioning and rebaking. durable portable ovens for field use and shop ovens insure that welding rods are kept dry to prevent cracked welds. one high temperature model for rebaking and reconditioning "moist" electrodes. Flux holding ovens offer moisture-proof storage of flux from bag to use. Let phoenix dryrod® ovens show you how to protect your welding profits.

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