HEM H105A-4
- EspecificacionesConvertir Especificaciones al Sistema MétricoCap. de Corte Rectangular (H)14"Cap. de Corte Rectangular (A)16"Potencia7.5 hpAncho de Cuchilla1.25"Espesor de Cuchilla0.042"Longitud de Cuchilla15'
- Descripción del producto
The H105A-4 model includes a 7½ HP motor and a 1¼” blade with a 24” stroke bar-feed that will index up to 4 times cutting up to 999 parts of the same length. This scissor style saw is perfect for cutting small solids and shapes.
Horizontal Pivot Band Saw
Capacity: 16″ W x 14″ H
Bar-feed: 0-24″ (4 Indexes)
Blade: 15’0″ x 1.25″ x .042″
Motor: 7.5 HP
Operation: Automatic
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