Subasta - Programada en LíneaSurplus to Ongoing Operations of SPM Oil & Gas, a Caterpillar Inc. Company

ID #
JOHNFORD DMC-1600H 4 Axis Bridge Mill; 2009 L&L 37"x 157" CNC Lathe; 2012 DOOSAN PUMA 400C Turning Center, 2010 MAZAK MULTIPLEX 4300 Turning Center; 2010 MAZAK MULTIPLEX 4300 Turning Center; (2)2008 MAZAK INTEGREX I-300 Turning Centers
Programada en Línea
Empieza a la(s)
31/01/2025 06:00 AM CST
Termina el
25/02/2025 10:00 AM CST
Sale preview will be held on Monday, February 24, from 8:30AM to 4:30PM CT, and by appointment. Please schedule your inspection appointment in advance
7601 Wyatt Drive
Fort Worth, Texas
Estados Unidos
Jennifer Reiner (847) 545‑6374
Perfection Global, LLC.

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ID #
JOHNFORD DMC-1600H 4 Axis Bridge Mill; 2009 L&L 37"x 157" CNC Lathe; 2012 DOOSAN PUMA 400C Turning Center, 2010 MAZAK MULTIPLEX 4300 Turning Center; 2010 MAZAK MULTIPLEX 4300 Turning Center; (2)2008 MAZAK INTEGREX I-300 Turning Centers
Programada en Línea
Empieza a la(s)
31/01/2025 06:00 AM CST
Termina el
25/02/2025 10:00 AM CST
Sale preview will be held on Monday, February 24, from 8:30AM to 4:30PM CT, and by appointment. Please schedule your inspection appointment in advance
7601 Wyatt Drive
Fort Worth, Texas
Estados Unidos
Jennifer Reiner (847) 545‑6374

Sumario de Items

Surplus to Ongoing Operations of SPM Oil & Gas, a Caterpillar Inc. Company

Pre-Auction Offers Invited for Major Assets


JOHNFORD DMC-1600H 4 Axis Bridge Mill; 2009 L&L 37"x 157" CNC Lathe; 2012 DOOSAN PUMA 400C Turning Center, 2010 MAZAK MULTIPLEX 4300 Turning Center; 2010 MAZAK MULTIPLEX 4300 Turning Center; (2)2008 MAZAK INTEGREX I-300 Turning Centers; 2011 OKUMA LU300 2SC600 Turning Center; (2)OKUMA CROWN L-1420 Turning Centers; (4)MORI SEIKI SL-65 & CL-25B Turning Centers; (2)2012 KELLENBERGER KELVITA R175/1000 CNC Cyl. Grinders; PLUS OKAMOTO Int. Grinder; FUJI & OKUMA HOWA Dual Spl. Lathes, and more

Sobre el Subastador

2550 Arthur Ave.
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Estados Unidos