Gleason Corporation

Gleason Corporation
Gleason Corporation
Founded in 1865, Gleason Corporation is a global leader in the technology of gearing. Products and services include machinery for the production, finishing and testing of gears as well as a worldwide support system which provides cutting tools, workholding, replacement parts, field service, application development services, gear design and inspection software, training programs, engineering support and machine rebuild and upgrade services. The Company is also a leader in the theory of gear design and in the application, testing and analysis of prototype and production gears. Customers include leading companies in the automotive, aerospace and aircraft, energy, truck, recreational vehicle and power equipment industries.
- Company Specialties
- New Machinery Builder - Headquarters
- Brands
- Types
- Sales Offices
- Gleason Asia Co., Ltd.
2-13 Tsukishima
1-Chome Chuo-Ku
Tokyo 104-0052
Japan - Gleason Sales
Höhenstrasse 189
Neulengbach 3040
Austria - Gleason Sales
Iggebygatan 12
Vasteras 722 20
Sweden - Gleason Sales
Paris Nord II, BP 63070
22 Avenue des Nations
Cedex 95972
France - Gleason Sales
Plaza Tetuan, 40-41, planta 1
Oficina 19B
Spain - Gleason Sales (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Suite 41/2 O'Connel Street
Parramatta (2150)
Sydney 2150
Australia - Gleason Sales (U.K.)
Tamar Science Park
1 Davy Road
Plymouth PL6 8BX
United Kingdom - Gleason Sales China
9B, Tower D, Central InternationaI Trade Center
6A, Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue,Chaoyang District
Beijing, Beijing 100004
China - Gleason Works (India) Private Ltd.
Plot # 70A, KIADB Aerospace Park
Bhattaramarenahalli, Budigere Post, Devanahalli Taluk
Bangalore, Karnataka 562129
India - Gleason-Pfauter Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Daimlerstr. 14
Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg 71636
Germany - Gleason-Pfauter Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Bütigenstrasse 80
P.O. Box 152
Studen CH-2557
- Gleason Asia Co., Ltd.
- Distributors
Sorted by Location
- Gleason Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Acceso C No. 103 Parque Industrial Jurica
Queretaro, Queretaro de Arteaga 76100
Mexico - TL Maskinpartner AB
Postboks 2883
Skien 3702
Norway - TL Maskinpartner AB
Västbovägen 56B
Värnamo S-331 53
Sweden - Molinari, S.A.
Mendoza No. 4846
Buenos Aires
Argentina - Unan Teknik
Bagdat Cad. No: 376-23
Saskinbakkal, Istanbul 34740
Turkey - Myonghwa Net Inc.
629-31 Shinsa-dong,
Korea, Republic of - EuroHitec Co., Ltd.
1008 AcroPalace, 1594 Kwanyang-dong, Dongan-ku
Anyang 431-060
Korea, Republic of - 600SA Machine Tools (PTY) LTD
284 Dekema Rd
Unit C5, Dekema Park, Wadeville
Germiston, Gauteng 1428
South Africa
- Gleason Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.