- SpecKonvertieren Specs zu MetricDrehdurchmesser7.874"Spitzen39.37"Schleifrad-Durchmesser15.748"
- Produktübersicht
"HI-LIFE" Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machines have Grinding Wheel Head Swivelling
Facility and Internal grinding attachment to perform various grinding
Operations like Plunge, Taverse, Internal, Angle, Face, Taper, Profile. - Über das Unternehmen
HI-LIFE MACHINE TOOLS LIMITED is a leading manufacturer and exporter of Grinding Machines in India, since the year 1972. Range of products include Cylindrical, Centreless and Internal Grinding Machines. Machines are available in CNC & Hydraulic versions.
Mit Blick auf einen neuen Kauf HI-LIFE UNIVERSAL 200/1000 ?