- المواصفاتتحويل المواصفات للمتريحمولة300 T
- نظرة عامة على المنتج
This is a special purpose machine for molding medium-sized wide mouth containers. With two rows of cavities in the mold, it is ideal as a mass production machine. It incorporates Aoki's latest technologies that enable higher production through greater energy efficiency and high cycle molding.
- نبذة عن الشركة
تبحث لشراء جديد AOKI SBIII-1000NL-300 ؟
- الموزعون27Machineplast MB C.A.
Centro Empresarial Lagunita, Ave. Sur Y Calle B-2
Piso 3, Ofc. 316, La Lagunita, El Hatillo
فنزويلاSuministros Quimicos Industriales Cia. Ltda.
Cdla. Miraflores, Calle 4ta # 211 y Av. Central
الإكوادورTurplast Plastic Technologies Co. Ltd.
Guzelyurt Mah. Orta Olcekli Sanayi Bolgesi.
Tekstilciler Sitesi 5779 Sok. No:6/A
ديك رومىEgyptian Packaging & Plastic Systems Corp.
2 Ahmed Mostafa St. Salah Salem Road
Beside Fostat garden
Cairo 11555
مصرCV. Tunas Mandiri Makmur
Ruko Graha Boulevard Blok B No.27
Summarecon Gading Serpong
Tangerang 15810