- المواصفاتتحويل المواصفات للمتريالأرجحة18.11"بالقطع طول3.937"أكسات2سعة العامود1.6535"القدرة10.1 hpماكس RPM4,000 RPMقطر الخراطة5.9055"مراقبةCNC
- نظرة عامة على المنتج
SLC 16 LM M is a Slant Bed horizontal CNC turn mill centre designed primarily for small-sized disc-like (chucking applications) components. SLC 16 LM M is capable of delivering power of 5.5 kW (continuous) / 7.5 kW (15 mins) and comes standard with a chuck size of 165mm and Table Mounted Gang Tooling. Alternatively, 8 Station BTP-63 Turret, Polygon Attachment and/or Single Live Tool Attachment with C Axis can be offered in SLC 16 LM M.
- نبذة عن الشركة
vertical turning lathe 4 axis turning lathe cnc lathe withsub spindle cnc lathe cnc lathe with automation
تبحث لشراء جديد ACE DESIGNERS SLC-16-LM M ؟
- الموزعون2Ace Micromatic Group
271-272, Udyog Bhavan,
Sonawala Road, Goregoan (E)
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063