Engineered Equipment Company of Alaska, Inc.
Engineered Equipment Company of Alaska, Inc.
موقع إلكتروني
Engineered Equipment Company of Alaska, Inc.
موقع إلكتروني
Engineered Equipment Company of Alaska, Inc. was created in 1967 by Richard (Dick) W. Spils. He was an engineer with Standard oil. Dick recognized the need for a representative to serve industrial product manufacturers in Alaska; none existed at the time. Engineered Equipment Company, has operated an office in Alaska and served the oil and gas industry and other industrial customers longer than any other firm representing similar manufactured products. J. Mark Wilson purchased Engineered Equipment on November 1, 1994. The company has grown and diversified and is the largest manufacturers representative of industrial equipment in Alaska.
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- أجهزة نفخ
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- الشد والضغط اختبار
- الثقيلة تدريبات المغزل متعددة بما في ذلك عصابة والكتلة
- معدات قطع الزجاج
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- مضخات تفريغ
- محركات مؤازرة
- مبادلات حرارية
- مجمعات أتربة
- مخفضات السرعة
- ماكينات تشكيل نهايات المواسير
- مراوح
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- وحدات قوى هيدروليك
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